So that's life?!

My mission became crystal clear to me one cool, end-of-summer morning as my 5-year-old son asked me all of life's "then what" questions.

In what felt like a matter of seconds, my answer had taken him through every single one of life's major milestones.

High School.

When my answer was finished, he looked up at me. . . incredulous, breathless, and visibly desperate that there must be more to the story.

"So that's life?!" he asked.

And as I looked down at his eyes, I was grateful for the truth I could share with him. "This is why I do the work that I do," I told him. "When you get to do the work you really love, the days don't feel like work."

And for me, "the work I love" is about helping small businesses like yours make an impact in your world. It's a work that rewards curiosity, demands presence, and uses the power of story to help good people amplify good things.

I've always been enamored with story—mostly because it's one of the greatest equalizers of all time. Story always shows up at just the right moment. 

It always connects.

It always builds.

It always transforms.

And no matter how big a story eventually becomes, it always, always, always starts small.

As a small business, you already know this. It's why you show up every day doing work that matters in big ways. You're connecting team members and audiences. You're building products and services. And you're reimagining business as usual because you want to show up and transform our world.

I'm a brand storyteller because I know there's more to business than milestones and checklists. It's the in-between that makes us who we are. This is where the stories worth telling are always found.

So let's work together to find yours.